Monday, May 30, 2005

Having fun with plate and biscuit

First experience of self-feeding.

Ethan's having fun crushing the biscuit.

He is trying hard to take up the plate after flipping it.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Botanic Garden

Ethan likes nature! From the way he reacted once we reached there, he seems to enjoy the garden very very much.

There're a lot of tortoise in the Symphony Lake, really a lot...

See how those tortoise attract Ethan's attention...

I picked up a stone from the road side and passed to Ethan. He's really excited and started to study the stone.

Sunday morning

Friday, May 27, 2005

Playing with camera

Ethan's finger blocked part of the flash...

He's trying to tough the lens...


Ready to go out.

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