Friday, December 31, 2004

1 Utama

We are is resting on a seat at '1 Utama' KL. (5 mths)

Shinny cheeks

Look at my shinny cheeks, mommy makes me laugh again, with simple 'happy happy'. (5 mths)

Thursday, December 30, 2004

A-ma birthday at Oversea Restaurant


Mi gugu and Yung Seng uncle. (5 mths)

Our family members in KL... (5 mths)

KL trip

This is mummy's favourite shirt... mainly because of the apple pie recipe. :) (5 mths)

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Favourite bedtime story book

Goldilock and the three bears is my favourite story that papa and mummy used to tell me. I really hope that they will keep on with the story telling every night. (4.5 mths)

Car seat

Papa let me try on my new car seat. I have outgrown the pass-down infant car seat and always make noise when on it. I am a BIG boy now. So, papa and mummy have no choice but to et me a new one. (4.5 mths)

Safari play mat

Hehe... I manage to turn within my play mat.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Bath time

we we.. water water... i like to swim here... this is my fav bath tub.. me outgrowing the tub soon...

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Party

aunty Jeslin and me at uncle Ivan's house (4.5 mths)

this aunty is very good in making babies laugh, she makes me laugh whole night. (4.5 mths)


Hahaha... it's funny when papa keep on saying 'yellow, yellow, yellow' while shaking the shirt in front of me. (4.5 mths)

Jurong Point

yum, yum... KFC (4.5 mths)

Sunny Saturday

I love sunny day... I am sure you all can tell from my sweet face (4.5 mths)

Friday, December 24, 2004


I am an active and curious boy, always turn around. Poor mummy has to caryy me; and poor papa have to really aim 'chun-chun' to take the picture. (4.5 mths)

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